We would like to introduce you to our staff members.
Active professors

Photo: Herrmann
Consultation hours HERE.

Consultation hours can be booked via the online calendar.
Research associates

Photo: IDGS
consultation hour:
appointment by arrangement

Photo: Buckenmaier

consultation hour:
will be held by arrangement via video chat, telephone or e-mail.

Photo: Korpus

Consultation hours: here.

consultation hour:
will be held by arrangement via video chat, telephone or e-mail.

consultation hours HERE.

Photo: IDGS

Photo: Margaret Odhiambo

Consultation hour:
appointment by arrangement

Consultation hour:
appointment by arrangement

Consultation hour: here.

consultation hour:
appointment by arrangement

Technical, administrative and library staff

Photo: Oliver Böse

Consultation hours: here.

Opening hours
Mon - Wed: 10:00 to 12:00 a.m.
Mon - Wed: 13:00 to 14:00 p.m.

Photo: IDGS

Opening hours
Wed - Thu: 10:00 to 12:00 a.m.
Wed - Thu: 13:00 to 14:00 p.m.

Photo: Pixabay; Pixabay-Lizenz; remixed
Student assistants

Photo: Pixabay; Pixabay-Lizenz; remixed

Photo: Noah Fahning

Photo: Lara-Sophie Isernhagen

Photo: Rebecca Lekebusch

Photo: Isabeau Lettow

Photo: Pixabay; Pixabay-Lizenz; remixed

Photo: Dominik Weitz

Photo: lijie Wu