Here you will find information and links to conferences organized by the Institute of German Sign Language and Communication of the Deaf or conferences where members of our staff are involved.
Upcoming Conferences
4.-5. July 2024: Expressing Emotions in Sign Languages, ViCom Workshop
Coordination: Sarah Schwarzenberg, Annika Herrmann, Nina-Kristin Meister, Thomas Finkbeiner, Markus Steinbach
20-25. Mai 2024: LREC 2024: 11th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Evaluation of Sign Language Resources
Description: This workshop focusses on sign language resources and computational sign linguistics, covering all topics from building sign language corpora and lexical resources, tools and evaluation of such resources.
Organizers: Thomas Hanke, Eleni Efthimiou, Stavroula-Evita Fotinea, Julie Hochgesang, Johanna Mesch and Marc Schulder
Completed Conferences
28. February - 01. March 2024: "Clause-type marking in the visual modality" Workshop, at the 46. Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS) in Bochum
Coordination: Annika Herrmann (Universität Hamburg), Nina-Kristin Meister (Universität Göttingen), Marloes Oomen, Floris Roelofsen (Universität Amsterdam)
4. and 5. November 2023: Students' Conference GSD+
2022 LREC-Konferenz und SLTAT in Marseille
May 11 to 16, 2020 in Marseille (cancelled): LREC Conference, on May 16, 2020: Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages
March 2020: 42nd Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Hamburg. Linguistic Diversity: Theories, Methods, Resources. Including Workshop 2: Linguistic Diversity and Linguistic Modalities: New Perspectives on Bimodal (sign language/oral language) Bilingualism
30. September 2019- 04. Oktober 2019: Hamburg Summer School on Language Documentation and Corpus Technology
Organizer DGS-Korpus Project