TISLR13 2019
We are very glad that you all came to TISLR13 in Hamburg!
Please see our newly uploaded conference materials: posters and presentations (program and research locations), SIGNopsis videos and pictures (gallery)!
September 26-28, 2019
A very warm welcome to the website of TISLR13, the 13th conference of Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research.
The conference will be held at the University of Hamburg in the beautiful Main Building located at Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, close to the train station Hamburg Dammtor. For further information, please see the map.
Edmund- Siemers-Allee 1, 20146 Hamburg
Main organizers
Annika Herrmann (Universität Hamburg)
Barbara Hänel-Faulhaber (Universität Hamburg)
Christian Rathmann (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Markus Steinbach (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
Contact: info"AT"tislr.de
Keynote Presenters
Ronice Müller de Quadros – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianopolis
Gladys Tang – Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jordan Fenlon – Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
Karen Emmorey – San Diego State University (SDSU)
Meeting description
Organized by the Sign Language Linguistics Society (www.slls.eu), TISLR is held every three years and aims to familiarize the community with the latest advances in sign language research. Various domains are covered including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, discourse, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, language acquisition, and neurolinguistics. We welcome diverse theoretical perspectives and research that represents a wide variety of sign languages used all around the globe.
It is our honor to announce that the four invited presenters at TISLR13 are Prof. Dr. Ronice Quadros (Brazil), Dr. Jordan Fenlon (UK), Prof. Dr. Gladys Tang (Hong Kong) and Prof. Dr. Karen Emmorey (USA).
TISLR 13 will last three days including invited talks, paper presentations and several poster sessions. The conference will also host the SLLS General Meeting.
Conference languages are German Sign Language, American Sign Language, International Sign and English. CART services (in English) will be provided as well.
Topic committee
Diane Brentari, Onno Crasborn, Peter Hauser, Okan Kubus, Annelies Kusters, Ceil Lucas, Rachel Mayberry, Johanna Mesch, Jemina Napier, Josep Quer, Russell Rosen, Adam Schembri, Erin Wilkinson
Scientific committee
Natasha Abner, Valentina Aristodemo, Gemma Barberà, Anastasia Bauer, Claudia Becker, Elena Benedicto, Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Mayumi Bono, Carl Börstell, Penny Boyes-Braem, Ben Braithwaite, Chiara Branchini, Carlo Cecchetto, Deborah Chen-Pichler, Marie Coppola, David Corina, Kearsy Cormier, Carina Rebello Cruz, Sandra Cvejanov, Svetlana Dachkovsky, Kathryn Davidson, Martje de Meulder, Ronice Müller de Quadros, Connie de Vos, Caterina Donati, Paul Dudis, Matt Dye, Karen Emmorey, Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen, Jordan Fenlon, Lindsay Ferrara, Brigitte Garcia, Leah Geer, Carlo Geraci, Jennifer Green, Matt Hall, Thomas Hanke, Tobias Haug, Jens Hessmann, Joseph Hill, Julie Hochgesang, Laura Horton, Jana Hosemann, Lynn Hou, Tommi Jantunen, Terry Janzen, Trevor Johnston, Michiko Kaneko, Meltem Kelepir, Vadim Kimmelman, Reiner Konrad, Helen Koulidobrova, Verena Krausneker, Jeremy Kuhn, Kim Kurz, Gabriele Langer, Amy Lieberman, Diane Lillo-Martin, Cornelia Loos, Sam Lutalo-Kiingi, Evie Malaia, Lara Mantovan, David McKee, Richard Meier, Kate Mesh, Jill Morford, Gary Morgan, Soya Mori, Aaron Newman, Lena Nilsson, Derya Nuhbalaoglu, Victoria Nyst, Carol Padden, Nick Palfreyman, Leonardo Peluso, Nina-Kristin Pendzich, Pamela Perniss, Roland Pfau, Jennie Pyers, Pawel Rutkowski, Keiko Sagara, Marie-Ann Sallandre, Mirco Santoro, Trude Schermer, Philippe Schlenker, Krister Schönström, Barbara Shaffer, Christopher Stone, Rachel Sutton-Spence, Felix Sze, Szilárd Racz , Eyasu Haile Tamene, Angoua Jean-Jacques Tano, Gladys Tang, Robin Thompson, Beppie van den Bogaerde, Els van der Kooij, Myriam Vermeerbergen, Agnes Villwock, Virginia Volterra, Ronnie Wilbur, Bencie Woll, Ulrike Zeshan, Giorgia Zorzi
Organizing committee
Patricia Barbeito Rey-Geißler, Isabella Buckenmaier, Jutta Feuerle, Stefan Goldschmidt, Thomas Hanke, Britta Harms, Thorsten Herbig, Elena Jahn, Simon Kollien, Reiner Konrad, Okan Kubus, Gabriele Langer, Cornelia Loos, Claudia Macht, Michaela Matthaei, Anke Müller, Chris Peters, Andrea Schaffers, Simone Scholl, Pamela Sundhausen, Agnes Villwock, Tomas Vollhaber, Sabrina Wähl, Karin Wempe, Viktor Werner
About TISLR and SLLS
The express purpose of the TISLR conference is to provide a venue for researchers to exchange ideas and research findings on the linguistic study of signed languages. To participate in TISLR13, active membership in the Sign Language Linguistics Society (SLLS) is required. SLLS aims to promote sign language research on an international scale and in this capacity provides support and resources to sign language researchers. SLLS supports the organization and continuation of TISLR.
For further information, see http://slls.eu/
Timeline of all TISLR conferences
TISLR 1: 1986, Rochester, NY, USA
TISLR 2: 1988, Washington DC, USA
TISLR 3: 1990, Boston, MA, USA
TISLR 4: 1992, San Diego, CA, USA
TISLR 5: 1996, Montréal, Canada
TISLR 6: 1998, Washington DC, USA
TISLR 7: 2000, Amsterdam, Netherlands
TISLR 8: 2004, Barcelona, Spain
TISLR 9: 2006, Florianópolis-Santa Catarina, Brazil
TISLR 10: 2010, West Lafayette, IN, USA
TISLR 11: 2013, London, UK
TISLR 12: 2016, Melbourne, Australia
TISLR 13: 2019, Hamburg, Germany
TISLR 14: 2022, Osaka, Japan
TISLR 15: The voting will take place during the SLLS board meeting in Hamburg.