You can watch the submitted videos for the 5-Minuten-SIGNopsis here:
Natasha Abner, Carlo Geraci, Justine Mertz, and Shi Yu: Articulatory evidence for sign language typology and history
Ardavan Guity: Meaning of “bflap” in Iranian Sign Language
Jana Hosemann and Jens-Michael Cramer: The life stories of deaf elderly people: How did deaf people, born between 1930 and 1950 and raised in Germany, find their work profession?
Britta Illmer: The trial caughtin the middle: An analysis of the trial in DGS as a phenomenon between dual and paucal
Jana Löffler: The tip-of-the-finger phenomenon in German Sign Language: A corpus-based analysis
Hannah Lutzenberger: The mystery of child signing
Mirella De Oliveira Pena Araújo: Mouth non-manual expressions in Libras: Usages and productivity