The TISLR13 program (lectures and SIGNopsis) is online! You can download it here.
Please note the newly added links within the table on this page:
Many of the presenters have provided us with their presentations (slides and posters), so that those interested can read them here.
Time |
Thursday, September 26, 2019 Main Building, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1 |
Friday, September 27, 2019 Main Building, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1 |
Saturday, September 28, 2019 Main Building, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1 |
08.30-09.00 |
Registration and Coffee |
09.00-09.30 |
Registration and Coffee |
Gladys Tang Functions of sign language classifiers |
Ronice Müller de Quadros Language policies in Brazil: the place of Libras in Science and in Society |
09.30-10.00 |
Opening |
Gladys Tang Functions of sign language classifiers |
Ronice Müller de Quadros Language policies in Brazil: the place of Libras in Science and in Society |
10.00-10.30 |
Jordan Fenlon Sign language linguistics and sign language teaching: Realigning the two fields |
Terra Edwards & Diane Brentari |
Hope Morgan, Rama Novogrodsky & Wendy Sandler Phonological complexity and frequency in the lexicon: A quantitative cross-linguistic study |
10.30-11.00 |
Jordan Fenlon Sign language linguistics and sign language teaching: Realigning the two fields |
Aurora Martinez del Rio Finding systematicity in the margins: Polysyllabic forms in the ASL lexicon |
Piotr Tomaszewski The case of negative prefix in Polish Sign Language (PJM) |
11.00-11.30 |
Coffee break | Coffee break | Coffee break |
11.30-12.00 |
Matthew Dye, Matt Huenerfauth & Kim Kurz Sign language avatars activate phonological and semantic representations: Evidence from working memory and priming paradigms |
Jeremy Kuhn, Carlo Geraci, Philippe Schlenker & Brent Strickland Boundaries in space and time: Iconic biases across modalities |
Sabina Fontana & Claudio Ferrara Metalinguistic awareness in sign language: A study on mouth actions |
12.00-12.30 |
Freya Watkins & Robin L. Thompson Comprehension in hearing non-signers from angle-diverse learning input |
Marloes Oomen, Roland Pfau & Ulrika Klomp On the nature of Neg-raising in Sign Language of the Netherlands |
Deanna Gagne, Ann Senghas & Marie Coppola |
12.30-13.00 |
Jordan Fenlon, Annelies Kusters & Adam Stone Linguistic convergence of International Sign |
Tory Sampson & Rachel Mayberry The predicate SELF: Discovering the syntactic function of SELF |
Justin Power The emergence of sign language in Tajik schools for the deaf: A scalar ecological investigation of a complex contact situation |
13.00-14.30 |
Lunch break | Lunch break | Lunch break |
14.30-15.00 |
Emily Carrigan & Marie Coppola ‘Iconic’ number signs do not hasten acquisition of number knowledge |
Carl Börstell, Onno Crasborn & Lori Whynot True friends or false friends? Lexical similarity for predicting cross-signing success |
Tommi Jantunen, Danny De Weerdt, Brigitta Burger & Anna Puupponen The more you move the more action you construct – A motion capture study on head and upper-torso movements in constructed action in Finnish Sign Language narratives |
15.00-15.30 |
Qi Cheng & Rachel Mayberry Word order or world knowledge? Effects of early language deprivation on simple sentence comprehension |
Mary Edward & Pamela Perniss Encoding spatial information in two sign languages: A Comparison of Ghanaian (GSL) and Adamorobe (AdaSL) Sign Languages |
Lindsay Ferrara Regulating turn-taking with pointing actions in Norwegian Sign Language conversation |
15.30-16.00 |
Evelyne Mercure, Samuel Evans, Laura Pirazzoli, Laura Goldberg, Harriet Bowden-Howl, Kimberley Coulson, Sarah Lloyd-Fox, Indie Beedie, Mark H. Johnson & Mairead MacSweeney Plasticity in the neural substrate of language: Insights from unimodal and bimodal bilingual infants |
Francie Manhardt, Susanne Brouwer & Asli Ozyurek Sign influences spatial encoding in speech in bimodal bilinguals |
Kathryn Montemurro, Molly Flaherty & Susan Goldin-Meadow The development of person and agreement in Nicaraguan Sign Language |
16.00-16.30 |
Felix Sze, Monica Wei Xiao & David Lam Evaluating the effectiveness of the Hong Kong Sign Language Sentence Recall Test (HKSL-SRT) in differentiating three groups of Deaf signers |
Adam Schembri Making visual languages visible: Data and methods transparency in sign language linguistics |
Paul Dudis Abstract spatial representations and embodiment |
16.30-17.30 |
Coffee break & Poster session 1 |
Coffee break & Poster session 2 |
Coffee break & Poster session 3 |
17.30-18.00 |
Karen Emmorey Neural and behavioral consequences of lexical iconicity in American Sign Language |
5 Minute SIGNopsis (program see below) |
SLLS Business meeting |
18.00-18.30 |
Karen Emmorey Neural and behavioral consequences of lexical iconicity in American Sign Language |
5 Minute SIGNopsis (program see below) |
SLLS Business meeting |
19.00-19.30 |
Closing |
19.30 |
Conference dinner, "Besenbinderhof" |
Senate Reception |
Das Programm für die Postersession ist online! HIER geht's zum Download.
Poster session 1 |
Thursday, 26.09.2019, 16.30-17.30 |
Main building (ESA), Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, rooms 120, 121, and 221
Room 120: Posters 1.01 - 1.16Room 121: Posters 1.17 - 1.32Room 221: Posters 1.33 - 1.62
# | Presenters | Title |
1.01 | Natasha Abner, Laura Lakusta, Yasmin Hussein, Rebecca Lotwich, Emily Miiller and Anah Salgat | Asymmetries in spatial communication: Evidence from sources and goals |
1.02 | Kristian Ali and Ben Braithwaite | Production and perception in a shared tactile sign language |
1.03 | Valentina Aristodemo, Chiara Annucci, Beatrice Giustolisi, Doriane Gras, Justine Mertz and Caterina Donati | Measuring phonological complexity in Sign Languages |
1.04 | Juliane Arnone and Felipe Venâncio Barbosa | The “Tip of the Fingers” phenomenon in Brazilian Sign Language (Libras): a study about lexical retrieval in deaf people |
1.05 | Yuko Asada | Across-the-board dependencies in Japanese Sign Language |
1.06 | Emmanuel Asonye, Oluwasola Aderibigbe, Ohakwe Onyediziri and Aniefon Daniel Akpan | Sociocultural Analysis of Lexical Signs of an Indigenous Nigerian Sign Language |
1.07 | Gemma Barberà and Patricia Cabredo Hofherr -cancelled- |
Indefinite determiners in sign languages: a typological look -cancelled- |
1.08 | Anastasia Bauer and Roman Poryadin -cancelled- |
The functions of PALM-UP in primary and alternate sign languages. -cancelled- |
1.09 | Claudia Becker, Patricia Barbeito Rey-Geißler and Martje Hansen | Narrative Development of Deaf Children in German Sign Language |
1.10 | Gal Belsitzman, Atay Citron and Wendy Sandler | Realizing the expressive potential of the body in a Sign Language Theatre Laboratory |
1.11 | Elena Benedicto | Simultaneity vs Sequentiality: Serial Verb Constructions at the intersection. The case of agents in motion predicates. |
1.12 | Kiva Bennett | First person singular pronouns as a marker of relative status in American Sign Language |
1.13 | Inez Beukeleers, Geert Brône and Myriam Vermeerbergen | On the role of eye gaze in depicting and enacting in Flemish Sign Language: A comparative study of narratives and spontaneous conversations |
1.14 | Felicia Bisnath | Wh-questions in the Trinidad and Tobago signing community |
1.15 | Thomas Bjorkstrand, Eira Balkstam and Josephine Willing | Sign language dictionary as a digital tool in L2 teaching: Score evaluation of sentences for CEFR levels A1–B2 |
1.16 | Shane Blau | Perceptual Narrowing in deaf infants |
1.17 | Carl Börstell, Onno Crasborn and Adam Schembri | Signs of reduction: Frequency, duration, and signing rate in three sign language corpora |
1.18 | Rain Bosworth, Sarah Tyler, Eli Binder and Jill Morford | Automaticity of Lexical Access for Sign and Print in Deaf and Hearing Bilinguals: Cross-linguistic Evidence from the Stroop Task |
1.19 | Diane Brentari, Rabia Ergin, Ann Senghas and Marie Coppola | How quickly does phonology emerge in a “village” vs. “community” sign language? |
1.20 | Fabian Bross | Coordination and subordination in German Sign Language (Deutsche Gebärdensprache) and the Bodily Mapping Hypothesis |
1.21 | Chris Brozdowski and Karen Emmorey | Using transitional information in sign and gesture prediction |
1.22 | Svetlana Burkova | Conditional and concessive constructions in Russian Sign Language |
1.23 | Raquel Veiga Busto | What can number tell us about person? Pronominal reference and person distinctions in Catalan Sign Language |
1.24 | Maria Del Carmen Cabeza, José M. García-Miguel and Ania Pérez | Clause delimitation in Spanish Sign Language (LSE): exploring projections |
1.25 | Chiara Calderone | Sentence topics and communicative strategies in Italian Sign Language (LIS) |
1.26 | Fanny Catteau and Coralie Vincent | Shared prosodic contours in LSF poetry and its spoken translation |
1.27 | Kenith Kai Lai Chan and Felix Yim Binh Sze | More than a pointing: Pointing sign as an interjective hesitator in Hong Kong Sign Language |
1.28 | Richard Cokart and Trude Schermer | Changes in street sign language variation in NGT |
1.29 | Franziska Conradts -cancelled- |
PERSON as a rescue mechanism for plural NPs in German Sign Language -cancelled- |
1.30 | Frances Cooley and David Quinto-Pozos | Investigating the Role of Phonological Awareness on Reading in Deaf Native Signers |
1.31 | Raniere Alislan Almeida Cordeiro and Aline Lemos Pizzio | Dactilological Sign in Libras – Brazilian Sign Language |
1.32 | Brendan Costello, Marcel Giezen, Miguel Ángel Sampedro, Saúl Villameriel and Manuel Carreiras | Effects of familiarity, iconicity and phonological density in the LSE lexicon |
1.33 | Svetlana Dachkovsky, Rose Stamp and Wendy Sandler | Time will tell: Grammaticalization of time expressions in Israeli Sign Language (ISL) |
1.34 | Connie de Vos | Turn taking in signed conversations: the state of the art |
1.35 | Danny De Weerdt | Before or after? Adposition signs in Finnish Sign Language: form and position |
1.36 | Paul Dudis and Miako Villanueva | Application of Depiction Coding System |
1.37 | Matthew Dye, Andreas Savakis, Bruno Artacho, Aman Arora, Naomi Caselli, Erin Finton and Corrine Occhino | Perceptual Optimization of American Sign Language: Evidence from a Lexical Corpus |
1.38 | Evgeniia Khristoforova and Vadim Kimmelman | Relative clauses in Russian Sign Language: where do they come from? |
1.39 | Ryan Fan | Fingers on the Face: Towards an Interactional Typology of Fingerspelling |
1.40 | Casey Ferrara and Donna Jo Napoli | Handshape, movement and geometry: Communicating shapes in sign languages |
1.41 | Michael Filhol | Regularities in a corpus of spontaneous Sign Language Writing, and a comparison to writing systems |
1.42 | Allison Fitch and Sudha Arunachalam | The role of early sign language exposure and deafness on visual orienting and disengagement |
1.43 | Manolis Fragkiadakis and Victoria Nyst | Towards a user-friendly tool for automated sign annotation: Icentification and annotation of time slots and number of hands |
1.44 | Anne Therese Frederiksen and Rachel Mayberry | Implicit causality and thematic roles in ASL: A norming study of 239 implicit causality verbs |
1.45 | Orit Fuks | Multimodal motherese in Israeli sign language (ISL) |
1.46 | Sílvia Gabarró-López | The uses of PALM-UP in interpreted French and LSFB productions |
1.47 | Brigitte Garcia, Marie-Anne Sallandre, Marie-Thérèse L'Huillier and Hatice Aksen | Impersonal human reference in French Sign Language (LSF) |
1.48 | Johnny George | Pragmatic constraints on extra-grammatical morphology in Japanese Sign Language (JSL) onomastics |
1.49 | Carlo Geraci and Justine Mertz | Theory-Description-Theory: A round trip in French sign language phonology |
1.50 | Austin German | Emerging functions of manual holds in Zinacantec Family Homesign |
1.51 | Aurelia Nana Gassa Gonga | NGT lexicon used in IS interpreting by a team of deaf interpreters: A case study |
1.52 | Julia Gspandl | Mastering Depicting Constructions in the L1 Acquisition of Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS): Issues of Lexicalization |
1.53 | Shengyun Gu | Phonological processes in Shanghai Sign Language |
1.54 | Kathleen Currie Hall, Oksana Tkachman and Yurika Aonuki | Lexical competition correlates with articulatory enhancement in ASL |
1.55 | Matthew Hall and Stephanie De Anda | Language access profiles: A better way to characterize DHH children’s early communicative input |
1.56 | Daisuke Hara and Makoto Miwa | The phonotactics of type-III syllables of Japanese Sign Language |
1.57 | Julie Hochgesang, Donovan Catt, Deborah Chen Pichler, Corina Goodwin, Carmelina Kennedy, Lee Prunier, Doreen Simons and Diane Lillo-Martin | Sign language acquisition, annotation, archiving and sharing: The SLAAASh project status report |
1.58 | Andrea Lackner, Nikolaus Riemer Kankkonen, Christian Stalzer, Christian Hausch, Isabel Graf, Laura Theuermann and Elisabeth Scharfetter | Deaf annotators’ associations with ‘head forward’ in Austrian Sign Language |
1.59 | Lauren Reed, Alan Rumsey and Francesca Merlan | Kailge Sign Language: A “network-based” sign language and its significance for sign language typology |
1.60 | Anne Wienholz, Simon Kirby and Paula Rubio-Fernández | Effects of semantics and efficiency on adjective position in American Sign Language: A reference production study |
1.61 | Bencie Woll, Konstantin Grin, Tatjana Davidenko and Anna Komarova |
Mouthing in the acquisition of a second sign language by Deaf learners |
Poster session 2 |
Friday, 27.09.2019, 16.30-17.30 |
Main building (ESA), Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, rooms 120, 121, and 221 |
Room 120: Posters 2.01 - 2.16
# | Presenters | Title |
2.01 | Valentina Aristodemo and Charlotte Hauser | Temporal constructions: A comparison between LIS and LSF |
2.02 | Jia He and Gladys Tang | Argument realization and event delimitation in Hong Kong Sign Lanuage and Tianjin Sign Language |
2.03 | Jon Henner and Emily Carrigan | The effects of form and meaning in responses chosen by test takers in a language based analogical reasoning assessment |
2.04 | Julie Hochgesang and Amelia Becker | Absence of reduplication in American Sign Language nominal plural morphology |
2.05 | Gabrielle Hodge, Jordan Fenlon, Adam Schembri, Trevor Johnston and Kearsy Cormier | A corpus-based investigation of how deaf signers signal questions during conversation |
2.06 | Theresia Hofer and Keiko Sagara | Chinese language influences on Tibetan Sign Language users in Lhasa: Cardinal numbers and days of the week |
2.07 | Ingela Holmström, Magnus Ryttervik and Krister Schönström | A note on phonological acquisition of novice/L2 signers through a sign repetition task |
2.08 | Laura Horton and Jason Riggle | Converging signs: Quantifying similarity and difference in emerging sign systems |
2.09 | Lynn Hou | Looking at LOOK-AT collocations in American Sign Language |
2.10 | Elena Jahn | Sentence segmentation in spontaneously produced DGS utterances with varying text formats |
2.11 | Marah Jaraisy and Rose Stamp | Language contact situation between Israeli Sign Language and Kfar Qassem Sign Language: A case of code-switching or borrowing? |
2.12 | Nikolaus Riemer Kankkonen, Joel Bäckström and Magnus Ryttervik | Constructed sign sentences In Swedish Sign Language dictionary |
2.13 | Laura Kanto and Wolfgang Mann | A pilot investigation of mappings between phonological form and meaning in Finnish Sign Language signs among deaf and hearing native signers aged 4-15 years |
2.14 | Hadil Karawani and Josep Quer | Counterfactual imperatives across modalities |
2.15 | Geo Kartheiser | Author recognition is a significant predictor of reading fluency in deaf college-aged students |
2.16 | Demet Kayabaşı and Kadir Gökgöz | Causative-inchoative alternations in Turkish Sign Language |
2.17 | Ulrika Klomp | What has COME become? A corpus-based study into its grammatical functions in Sign Language of the Netherlands |
2.18 | Justyna Kotowicz, Darek Asanowicz, Zofia Wodniecka and Klaudia Tondos | Cognitive advantage in sign-spoken bilinguals |
2.19 | Elena Koulidobrova and Leyla Zidani-Eroglu | A few arguments for isomorphic sluicing in ASL |
2.20 | Julia Krebs, Ronnie B. Wilbur, Evie Malaia, Gerda Strutzenberger, Hermann Schwameder and Dietmar Roehm | Event visibility in sign language motion: Evidence from ÖGS |
2.21 | Antti Kronqvist | Sociolinguistic factors affecting lexical variation in signs for months in Finnish Sign Language |
2.22 | Jeremy Kuhn and Lena Pasalskaya | Negative concord in Russian Sign Language (RSL) |
2.23 | Leyla Kursat, Rabia Ergin, Ethan Hartzell and Ray Jackendoff | Linear order: A minimal syntactic tool expressing the modifier and the modified |
2.24 | Kim Kurz | An Analysis of constructed action in American Sign Language narratives: Comparing native signers and second language learners |
2.25 | Maria Kyuseva | On the semantic organisation of size and shape specifiers: the role of the non-manual component |
2.26 | Minttu Laine | Mutual gaze in sign language interpreting in mobile transitions |
2.27 | Gabriele Langer, Anke Müller, Sabrina Wähl and Thomas Hanke | The DGS-Korpus approach to including frequent sign combinations in a corpus-based electronic sign language dictionary |
2.28 | Brittany Lee, Jonathan Mirault and Karen Emmorey | Pronounceability effects and word processing efficiency during sentence reading by deaf and hearing readers |
2.29 | Hyunhwa Lee and Sung-Eun Hong -cancelled- |
Development of a Corpus-Based Korean Sign Language Dictionary -cancelled- |
2.30 | Amy Lieberman and Arielle Borovsky | Novel sign learning in young deaf children: The role of referential cues and visual attention |
2.31 | Diane Lillo-Martin and Deborah Chen Pichler | ASL pronoun acquisition: Implications for pronominal theory |
2.32 | Cornelia Loos, Marlijn Meijer and Sophie Repp | Affirming and rejecting negative assertions in German Sign Language (DGS) |
2.33 | Guilherme Lourenço | Ditransitive constructions in Brazilian Sign Language |
2.34 | Stéphanie Luna and Lisa Stockleben | Adaptation of the dementia diagnostics British Sign Language cognitive screening test: A crosslinguistic comparison of LSQ and DGS |
2.35 | Hannah Lutzenberger, Onno Crasborn, Paula Fikkert and Connie de Vos | B 1 FIST 5 - A preliminary investigation of the phonological feature inventory in Kata Kolok, a rural sign language of Bali |
2.36 | Claudia Macht | Referent tracking and constructed action in jokes of German Sign Language – a corpus-based investigation |
2.37 | Bahtiyar Makaroğlu and Josep Quer | A corpus-based approach to clausal negation in Turkish Sign Language |
2.38 | Evguenia Malaia and Toshikazu Ikuta -cancelled- |
Voxelwise connectivity of righthemispher BA44-STG in American Sign Language -cancelled- |
2.39 | Mariana Martins, Marta Morgado and Victoria Nyst | The contribution of emblematic gestures to the emerging sign language of Guinea-Bissau |
2.40 | Natasja Massa, Brittany Lee, Katherine J. Midgley, Phillip J. Holcomb and Gabriela Meade | N400 phonological priming effects in ASL are modulated by task |
2.41 | Meghan Mcgarry, Natasja Massa, Megan Mott, Katherine J. Midgley, Phillip J. Holcomb and Karen Emmorey | Matching pictures and signs: an ERP study of the effects of iconicity and structural alignment in American Sign Language |
2.42 | Rachel McKee and David McKee | Signs of globalisation: What is ASL doing in NZSL? |
2.43 | Johanna Mesch and Ronice Müller de Quadros | Segmentation in sign languages |
2.44 | Hope Morgan | Beyond ‘double contact’: Arguments for a new prosodic type in sign languages |
2.45 | Katie Mudd, Bart de Boer and Connie de Vos | The role of marriage patterns on the persistence of shared sign languages |
2.46 | Alexandra Navarrete-González | A semantic-pragmatic analysis of contrast types in Catalan Sign Language |
2.47 | Grace Neveu and Sara Goico -cancelled- |
Word order variation in the iquitos signing community -cancelled- |
2.48 | Lauren Nikolai and Ronnie Wilbur | The “flat chin” marker in ASL |
2.49 | Derya Nuhbalaoglu and Okan Kubus | IX signs in Turkish Sign Language relative clauses: A (re)analysis of variation |
2.50 | Marco Stanley Nyarko | Deaf parenting in rural and urban communities in Ghana: A case study of Adamorobe community and Koforidua |
2.51 | Victoria Nyst, Kidane Admasu, Timothy Mac Hadjah, Moustapha Magassouba, Mariana Martins, Marta Morgado, Evans Namasaka, Marco Nyarko and Dieydi Sylla | A cross-linguistic comparison of representation techniques in the signing of deaf children and adults in Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Mali, and the Netherlands |
2.52 | Rehana Omardeen | The contribution of lexical overlap to perceived iconicity in foreign signs |
2.53 | Marloes Oomen | LOOK-AT that! An attitude predicate in German Sign Language (DGS) |
2.54 | Aslı Özkul and Serpil Karabüklü | A morphological analysis of number signs in TİD |
2.55 | Nick Palfreyman | Variation and social meaning in BISINDO (Indonesian Sign Language): An investigation at the micro-level. |
2.56 | Lauren Reed, Alan Rumsey and Francesca Merlan | Co-expression of past and future in Kailge Sign Language, Papua New Guinea |
2.57 | Beyza Sumer, Francie Manhardt, Kimberley Mulder, Dilay Karadoller and Asli Ozyurek -cancelled- |
Signers have better memory than speakers for object locations displayed on a lateral versus sagittal axis< -cancelled- |
2.57 new | Beyza Sumer, Veerle Schoon and Asli Ozyurek | Child-directed spatial language input in sign language: Modality specific and general patterns |
2.58 | Zed Sevcikova Sehyr and Ryan Edinger | Quantifying differences in spatial and temporal patterns between nouns and verbs in American Sign Language using Microsoft Kinect |
2.59 | Anita Slonimska and Olga Capirci | The role of attentional focus in perspective encoding in Italian Sign Language |
2.60 | Patrick C. Trettenbrein, Nina-Kristin Pendzich, Jens-Michael Cramer, Simon Kollien, Angela Friederici and Emiliano Zaccarella | Psycholinguistic norms for more than 300 lexical manual signs in German Sign Language (DGS) |
2.61 | Anne Wienholz | Similar or different? Tracking phonological priming effects in American Sign Language |
2.62 | Bencie Woll and Robert Adam | Code mixing in fingerspelling: a unique type of same-language switching in individuals bilingual in 2 sign languages |
2.63 | Giorgia Zorzi | The use of TOO in gapping in Catalan Sign Language |
Poster session 3 |
Saturday, 28.09.19, 16.30 - 17.30 |
Main building (ESA), Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, rooms 120, 121, and 221 |
Room 120: Posters 3.01 - 3.16
3.01 | Anastasia Bauer | Seeing stress: Temporal reduction in Russian sign language mouthing |
3.02 | Carl Börstell and Ryan Lepic | Spatial metaphors in antonym pairs across sign languages |
3.03 | Fabian Bross | Object shift and differential object marking in German Sign Language (Deutsche Gebärdensprache) |
3.04 | Brigitte Garcia and Carolina Plaza-Pust | Laying the groundwork for a comparative approach to the study of European sign languages: The international research network EURASIGN |
3.05 | Matthew Hall and Sheila Dills | Against communication mode |
3.06 | Ethan Hartzell, Rabia Ergin, Leyla Kürsat, and Ray Jackendoff | Lexical variation in Central Taurus Sign Language |
3.07 | Julie Hochgesang, Jennifer Willow, Rafael Trevino and Emily Shaw | Gallaudet University Documentation of ASL (GUDA) - Whither a corpus for ASL? |
3.08 | Elena Koulidobrova and Tatiana Luchkina | Two models fo sign phonologyin SignL2 by Deaf learners: Sonorty wins |
3.09 | Justyna Kotowicz, Bencie Woll, Rosalind Herman, Magda Schromova, Maria Kielar-Turska, and Joannna Lacheta | Executive function in deaf native signing children |
3.10 | Jeremy Kuhn | Iconic biases on quantification in sign language |
3.11 | Cornelia Loos, Jens-Michael Cramer and Donna Jo Napoli | Taboo terms in German Sign Language (DGS): Exploring the influence of iconicity |
3.12 | Evie Malaia, Julia Krebs, Joshua Borneman and Dietmar Roehm | Cortical entrainment to visual information as basis of sign language comprehension |
3.13 | Nick Palfreyman | One sign language, two manual alphabets: Variation across fingerspelling-related tokens in the BISINDO Corpus |
3.14 | Aurore Paligot | Sociolinguistic variation of two-handed signs in French Belgian Sign Language: Weak Drop as a stable reduction phenomenon |
3.15 | Stephen Parkhurst | Laban’s efforts and signing styles in narratives, poetry and song |
3.16 | Liona Paulus | Conditional clauses in German Sign Language (DGS) and Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) - A Comparison |
3.17 | Deborah Chen Pichler | Effect of minimal sign language instruction on hearing learner´s constituent order |
3.18 | Justin Power, David Quinto-Pozos and Danny Law | Can the comparative method be used for signed language historical analyses? |
3.19 | Morgan Proietti and Chiara Bonsignori | Metaphors in (e)motion: The case of Italian Sign Language. |
3.20 | Sina Proske | Does verb type matter? Investigating word order in German Sign Language |
3.21 | Anna Puupponen | Semiotic strategies in nonmanual signals: A study on the actions of the signer’s head and body in Finnish Sign Language |
3.22 | Lauren Reed | A sociolinguistic sketch of the Port Moresby deaf community and Papua New Guinea Sign Language |
3.23 | Wanette Reynolds and Kari Spector | SPEAK SIGN SAME-TIME?!: Codeblending patterns of school-aged bimodal bilingual children |
3.24 | Pasquale Rinaldi, Maria Cristina Caselli, Luca Lamano, Tommaso Lucioli and Virginia Volterra | Manual and non-manual components: Acquisition and mastery in deaf and hearing signers |
3.25 | Annie Risler | Pointing gestures and personal references in Seychelles Sign Language and Creole Seychellois |
3.26 | Angelica Rodrigues | The emergence of the adversative conjunction BUT in Brazilian Sign Language: grammaticalization path from gesture to grammar unit |
3.27 | Patrick Rosenburg and Adam Stone | The Relationships Between Lower-Level and Higher-Level Comprehension Skills in ASL |
3.28 | Katherine Rowley, Jordan Fenlon and Kearsy Cormier | Metalinguistic Awareness of Regional Variation in BSL |
3.29 | Paweł Rutkowski, Joanna Filipczak, Piotr Mostowski and Anna Kuder | Lexical frequency in the Polish Sign Language Corpus at different time points of its development |
3.30 | Keiko Sagara | Numeral systems and their diachronic change in Japanese Sign Language, Taiwan Sign Language and Korean Sign Language |
3.31 | Mirko Santoro | Typological perspective on compounds in LIS and LSF |
3.32 | Emily Saunders and David Quinto-Pozos | Does iconicity benefit an L2 leaner's comprehension? |
3.33 | Krister Schönström and Johanna Mesch | Frequency and distribution of signs and sign proficiency in second language (L2) signers – a longitudinal and comparative study |
3.34 | Anique Schuller, Annika Schiefner and Ellen Ormel | Native and non-native signers’ performance on a sentence repetition task for Sign Language of the Netherlands |
3.35 | Zed Sevcikova Sehyr | Lexical and sublexical factors that influence sign production: Evidence from a large scale picture-naming study |
3.36 | Nina Semushina and Rachel Mayberry | Age of acquisition effects on automatic magnitude estimation in ASL number signs and arabic digits |
3.37 | Anita Slonimska and Olga Capirci | Dismantling the notion of Constructed Action as a metalinguistic tool: Efficient information encoding through direct representation |
3.38 | Wink Smith Jr | A cognitive grammar view on depictive expressions in ASL |
3.39 | Charley Soares | Theoretical study of phonesthemes in Brazilian Sign Language: Some reflections about this approach |
3.40 | Adam Stone and Rain Bosworth | Do the Hands Have Gravity? Time- series analysis of gaze behavior during sign language comprehension |
3.41 | Marianne Rossi Stumpf | Terminology and linguistics of corpus in Libras (Brazilian Sign Language): recognition of specificities of terms |
3.42 | Beyza Sümer, Veerle Schoon and Asli Ozyurek | Child-directed spatial language input in sign language: Modality specific and general patterns |
3.43 | Rachel Sutton-Spence and Johanna Mesch | What are norms of sign language poetry? Studies from sign language poetry anthologies and collections |
3.44 | Felix Sze, Chin-Lung Yang, Monica Wei Xiao and David Lam | Lexical co-activation in bimodal bilinguals during spoken language comprehension: an eye-tracking study of Hong Kong Sign Language and Cantonese |
3.45 | Yufuko Takashima and Nami Arimitsu | The semantic network based on conceptual metaphor and negation: the case of UNDERSTAND in Japanese Sign Language |
3.46 | Angoua Jean-Jacques Tano -cancelled- |
Deaf parents and their hearing children gestures and signs in expression of negation: case of rural and urban deaf families of Côte d’Ivoire. -cancelled- |
3.47 | Phoebe Tay | Revisiting the past to understand the present: The impact of linguistic colonialism on the Singapore deaf community and the evolution of Singapore Sign Language (SgSL) |
3.48 | Oksana Tkachman, Bryan Gick and Kathleen Currie Hall | Body anchoring and iconic anchoring: Biomechanical and semantic motivation of signs’ locations |
3.49 | Piotr Tomaszewski, Marta Majewska and Piotr Krzysztofiak | Critical period hypothesis and sign language acquisition by Polish deaf people under different linguistic stimulation conditions |
3.50 | Patrick C. Trettenbrein, Giorgio Pappito, Emiliano Zaccarella and Angela D. Friederici | The neural basis of sign language processing in deaf signers: An Activation Likelihood Estimation meta-analysis |
3.51 | Martha Tyrone and Claude Mauk | Signing space is reduced at faster signing rates in American Sign Language |
3.52 | Alicia Calderon Verde, Donny Wilson Limonta, Gilma Cervantes Soliño, Ariel Hernandez Hernandez and Elena Benedicto | NMM for [eyegaze] and [mouth]: Grammatical functions in Motion Predicates in LSCu (Sign Language of Cuba). |
3.53 | Agnes Villwock, Erin Wilkinson, Brianne Amador, Pilar Piñar and Jill Morford | Connected, but not confused: Deaf middle school students co-activate English print and American Sign Language in a monolingual semantic judgment task |
3.54 | Kayla Vodacek, Laurie Lawyer, Todd LaMarr and David Corina | The role of movement in the memory for signs |
3.55 | Elisabeth Volk -cancelled- |
Pragmaticalization of gestures in German Sign Language -cancelled- |
3.56 | Arnfinn Muruvik Vonen | Personal pronouns in Norwegian Sign Language - one system of two origins |
3.57 | Sabrina Wähl, Gabriele Langer, Anke Müller, Julian Bleicken, Thomas Hanke and Reiner Konrad | Exploring Lexical Variation in a Growing Corpus of DGS |
3.58 | James Waller and Susan Goldin-Meadow -cancelled- |
A componential analysis of constructed action in American Sign Language -cancelled- |
3.59 | Debora Wanderley | Libras corpus in Sign-Writing: Analysis of verbs with person-number |
3.60 | Shuyan Wang | Adjectives or relative clauses? A new perspective on adjectives in American Sign Language |
3.61 | Anne Wienholz, Derya Nuhbalaoglu and Nivedita Mani | The influence of overt localization on the processing of referential expressions in German Sign Language |
3.62 | Junhui Yang | A semantic analysis of calendric terms in Chinese Sign Language |
3.63 | Giorgia Zorzi, Jordina Sánchez Amat and Beatrice Giustolisi | Testing similarity to confirm the use of minimal pairs and phonologically related signs as phonological distractors in a comprehension task |