Culture Days of the Deaf in Potsdam 2018
The IDGS at the 6th edition of German Cultural Days of the Deaf in Potsdam
From 17 to 19 May 2018, the 6th German Cultural Days of the Deaf event was held in Potsdam. Over 2500 participants from Germany and all over the world travelled to the Metropolishalle in Babelsberg’s media city to exchange ideas and experiences relating to topics such as politics, culture, science, art and the world of sign language. The IDGS was present with its own booth, representing Hamburg alongside the DGS Corpus project and the Society for Sign Language and Communication of the Deaf (GGKG). We presented the IDGS’s new Gorch-Fock-Wall site, distributed the new flyers for our study courses and focal areas and promoted the 2019 TISLR13 conference in Hamburg. Above all, though, we met many old and new friends and acquaintances. We enjoyed a lot of fun over the three event-packed days.
Link zur Startseite der Kulturtage der Gehörlosen