German Sign Language and
Communication of the Deaf
Photo: UHH/Denstorf
4 June 2023, by Pamela Sundhausen
Photo: IDGS
On 31 May 2023, a workshop was held with our international guests at IDGS. Berenice Santos Goncalves from Brazil started the day with a presentation on the principles and perspectives of digital educational resources for visual information and sign languages. Tsubasa Uchida from Japan, then presented the development of an avatar-based animation system for Japanese Sign Language (JSL). Next, Ulrika Klomp from the Netherlands spoke about past, present, and future research in sign language. Lastly, Roberto Aguirre from Uruguay spoke about the concept of time and space by signers from Uruguay. The presentations were interpreted in DGS and English.
Our guests have been with us at the Institute for varying lengths of time. All guests gave interesting insights into their work. Students and staff were able to learn about different perspectives and areas of work and exchange new ideas. After the workshop, there was further discussion during an excursion towards the traditional northern Elbmarsch landscape.
Thank you all for the exciting day.